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Windows Phone 7 push notification when the app is not running

Samuel Fernandes173307-Apr-2015
I am trying to implement push notifications in windows phone 7.5

I bind the channelUri in App.xaml when the application starts up. I can then switch my app to background and receive toast notifications based on the Uri.

But this requires me to first go the app and then make it to background.

Can I receive the toast without the app running? That is when the channelUri is not bound.

Is this a default behaviour in Windows phone 7 or whether I am missing a point here?

If this is the behaviour, how can I send some form of notification/ information to the phone when the app is not running?


I know the Channel is active up to 30 days, is it the same when I use only emulator?
App should be associated with a channel so as to receive notification and even when app is not running, if the notification channel is active, then the application will receive the toast

Updated on 07-Apr-2015

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